Ashford Local Plan 2041 – Call for Sites
The Call for Sites was undertaken by Ashford Borough Council between September and December 2023.
At this stage a list of submitted sites has been published for information purposes only, no assessments have been undertaken and no decisions have been made on any of the sites submitted.
The process of assessment is undertaken via a Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA).
The HELAA is a technical assessment that is prepared by the Local Planning Authority (Ashford Borough Council) after the Call for Sites and forms an important part of the evidence base supporting a new Ashford Local Plan 2041. It provides a clear and up-to-date picture of availability across the Borough, and assesses each site’s suitability, availability, and achievability for their proposed land uses.
The HELAA does not:
- Represent policy
- Determine whether a site should be allocated for future development
- Determine whether planning permission should be granted
When the site assessment process has been completed, the Borough Council will work and consult with local communities to consider how sites which have passed through the HELAA process, fit with the preferred spatial strategy to accommodate future planned growth in the borough to 2041.
The sites in the Parish submitted for consideration are:
- Land at Longacres, South of Bromley Green Road – 5 dwellings
- Land to south of Hamstreet Road – 180 dwellings/ biodiversity net gain / open space and green infrastructure.