Each month there with be articles to warn about crime and recent crime trends to help keep the village and outlying properties crime free and free from the fear of being a victim of crime. This month I will set out the key risk areas and importantly stressing the need to report all crime, attempted crimes, anti-social behaviour, and criminal damage.

Why is it important to report all the above?

To ensure we are completely aware of the crimes that have been committed and the crime that maybe we may face in the future therefore it is essential all crime is reported.

Far too many times when small amounts of property or less expensive items are stolen the crime is not reported. That is especially the case if there is going to be no insurance claim made thereby a police crime number is not needed so no report is made.

That gives us a completely false impression about crime in an area.

Very often a shed, for example, could be broken into and then sadly it emerges that there were 6 other sheds in the preceding weeks that had been not reported. Sadly the 7th was the one where really valuable items were taken. Maybe just maybe we could have alerted the community that criminals were active in the area and sheds had been targeted.

Reporting Crime (online and by phone)

Kent Police – https://www.kent.police.uk/contact/af/contact-us/

In rural areas any doubts at all call 999 as travel response distances are longer.

101 or online for non-urgent matters or to give information


Crimestoppers – 0800 555111

Crimestoppers can be used if you are nervous or frightened about speaking to the police directly. This service is anonymous and completely confidential.